Tammy’s Plan to Use Lighthoof for Pasture Mud Management
Introducing this month's pasture mud management giveaway winner! Tammy of Bit N Heaven Stables in Florida has four miniature horses, Gala, Elmo, Biscuit, and Fyre (pictured here driving as a team)...

Originally designed for equine mud remediation, Lighthoof panels have proven to be a versatile mud control solution, extending their benefits beyond horses to include cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, and...

2025 Guide to the Best Ways to Fix Muddy Horse Paddock Areas
Mud on horse farms seems like an inevitability in the wet season, but it doesn’t have to be! You don’t have to use trial and error to figure out how to make your horse paddocks mud-free. It’s all b...

How Not to Fail at Fixing Your Paddock Mud
"Do I really have to follow ALL the instructions?" A transparent discussion of what can cause Lighthoof to fail and HOW TO AVOID IT so that you can be mud-free forever! It’s the rare call we dread ...

If you haven't yet started in on your summer projects, now is the time to get working on them. These summer barn to-do's can make is easier to care for your barn and horses during the rest of the y...

Tips for Conditioning Your Horse
Conditioning a horse is a gradual process that requires a careful, deliberate approach. These tips can help you to safely and effectively get your horse fit.

3 Tips to Prevent Muddy Pastures
Muddy pastures can negatively impact your horses' health. These three tips can help you to prevent muddy pastures for healthier, happier horses.

What You Need to Know About Scratches
Here's everything you know about preventing and treating scratches in horses.

10 Handy Barn Hacks to Make Barn Life Easier
Barn life is a full of challenges, but there are also some amazing barn hacks out there that can make life with horses easier. Some of these you'll discover with time, while others are such great...

Spring Cleaning Your Barn for Safety
Add these tips to your spring cleaning checklist for a safer and healthier barn.

4 Tips to Deal with and Prevent Flooded Stalls
Say goodbye to flooded stalls and wet feet and hooves with these four tips.

4 Tips to Survive Shedding Season
When your hairy horse sheds out this spring, these four tips can help you both through the process.

5 Top Renovation Projects to Plan for Your Horse Barn This Spring
Want to make your barn safer for your horses while saving time on chores? Considerer putting these five barn renovation projects on your to-do list this spring.