Originally designed for equine mud remediation, Lighthoof panels have proven to be a versatile mud control solution, extending their benefits beyond horses to include cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs, and...

What You Need to Know About Scratches
Here's everything you know about preventing and treating scratches in horses.

How to Manage Water Runoff Issues Around Your Barn
Water runoff issues can cause mud, flooding, and other issues for your barn and property. These strategies can help you to manage water runoff issues.

8 Reasons Why You’ll Be Thankful for Lighthoof
During this season of giving thanks, you’re probably grateful for all that you have, including your farm and your amazing horses. But if you’ve installed Lighthoof panels around your farm, you have...

How to Avoid the Two Biggest Paddock Drainage Misconceptions
Paddock drainage is a major buzz word in the mud management world. However, as we discuss in our article on ground stability, drainage is not actually the most important factor in keeping mud from ...

How to Choose the Right Gravel for Your Lighthoof Installation
When shopping for gravel to fill your Lighthoof panels, choose wisely for the best possible results. Do not fill Lighthoof panels with pea gravel, drain gravel, or other rounded rock or sand infil...

Mud FAQ Continued - Why Ground Stability is as Important as Drainage
In our previous installments we gave you some great ideas on what to look for when you’re trying to clean up the mud on your property. Risk factors, soil composition, maintenance were all discussed...