Tips for Conditioning Your Horse
Conditioning a horse is a gradual process that requires a careful, deliberate approach. These tips can help you to safely and effectively get your horse fit.

What You Need to Know About Scratches
Here's everything you know about preventing and treating scratches in horses.

4 Tips to Survive Shedding Season
When your hairy horse sheds out this spring, these four tips can help you both through the process.

7 Ways to Show Your Horse You Love Him
Show your horse some love this Valentine's Day with these seven fun ideas.

Strategies to Keep Your Horse Breathing Well This Winter
If your horse is coughing more than usual this winter, your stable management habits might be part of the cause. These tips can help you to support your horse's respiratory health during the winter...

6 New Year’s Resolutions That Can Support Your Horse’s Health This Year
Want a healthier horse in 2021? Choose one of these six horse health New Year's resolutions and implement it in your barn.

Beat the Heat - Tips to Stay Cool With Horses in Summer
Well it’s finally here - that time of year every equestrian has been longing for. Long, warm, dry days and endless time on horseback! Summer show season, perfect summer evening rides, potlucks at t...

Optimize Your Horse’s Health with These Barn Safety Tips
As equestrians, we spend most of our time making sure our four-legged beasts have all the comforts and amenities we can possibly provide. Their health and wellbeing are our top priorities; usually ...

Rain Rot: Spring Showers Bring Skin Problems
With the coming of spring, horse owners everywhere have a few annoying issues to deal with. Aside from frisky horses out in the paddock and the perpetual and seemingly endless mud problem, an eques...

Preparing for Foaling Season - Getting Ready for Your New Arrivals
While most of us are still trying to keep waterers from freezing, horses warm and well fed, and the ground in our paddocks from turning into a sloppy mess, breeders are considering foaling season. ...

Keeping Your Horse Warm During Winter Months
Winter should be in full swing in your neck of the woods. If there’s no snow on the ground, you’ve probably at least had the pleasure of breaking a frozen water bucket or two. Life around the barn ...

Safe Holiday Barn Decorating – Plants that are Poisonous to Horses
As the holidays grow nearer, if you haven’t already decked the halls with festive baubles and garland, now’s the time! Christmas barn decorations are a great way to bring the festive season to your...